Dr. Blue Wooldridge Appointed Acting Chair of ICAPA Accreditation Committee

Cesar Rojas Alfonzo,

The IASIA Board of Management has proudly endorsed Dr. Blue Wooldridge as the Acting Chair of the ICAPA Accreditation Committee. This appointment follows the unfortunate passing of Dr. Allan Rosenbaum, the previous Chair, and comes at a critical time when experienced leadership is essential for managing ongoing accreditation decisions.

A Respected Leader in Public Administration

Blue WooldridgeDr. Wooldridge, currently a Distinguished Career Professor and Professor Emeritus at Virginia Commonwealth University, brings a solid career spanning decades. His roles have included extension professor at the Institute of Public Service International at the University of Connecticut, director of the graduate program in urban affairs at Virginia Tech, and coordinator of federal programs and budget analyst for the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Throughout his career, Dr. Wooldridge has been recognized with numerous awards, such as the Teaching Excellence Award from Virginia Tech and the Excellence in University and Community Service Award from VCU’s School of Community and Public Affairs, which he received twice. In 1999, he was also honored with the College of Humanities and Sciences Distinguished Service Award.

His extensive contributions includes over 150 publications, presentations, and professional reports on topics ranging from public budgeting and revenue management to productivity improvement and public sector training and education.

Deep Commitment to Accreditation Excellence

Dr. Wooldridge’s engagement with ICAPA dates back to its early days when he served on the IASIA/UNDESA Taskforce that developed the Standards of Excellence. His longstanding involvement with the Accreditation Committee and contributions to the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) highlight his dedication to advancing public administration education.

Ensuring Continuity and Excellence

Approved by the ICAPA Steering Committee on April 25, Dr. Wooldridge's nomination adheres to IASIA regulation 8. His appointment as Acting Chair ensures that the Accreditation Committee can continue its vital work seamlessly. Under his leadership, the committee will effectively handle pending accreditation cases, upholding the high standards of ICAPA.

For more information about Dr. Blue Wooldridge and his new role, please visit VCU Wilder School Faculty Profile.

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